Three Things You Need To Know Before Going On Your First Wine Country Tour

Posted on: 6 March 2018

If you're in the process of planning your first visit to California wine country, you're certainly in for a treat. Like most people who are visiting for the first time, however, you may be unsure of how to get the most from the various available wine tasting tours. Fortunately, guidelines exist to ensure that visitors to the region's wineries have the best possible experience. Here's what you need to know about taking a wine country tour.

Use Unscented Grooming Products and Forego Personal Fragrance

The major purpose of wine country tours is so you can visit different tasting rooms and sample wine. Because the sense of smell is strongly linked to the sense of taste, scented grooming products and personal fragrances stand in the way of effective wine tasting -- your own and others. Using unscented lotion and saving the spritz of personal fragrance for later frees up your senses so that you can get an authentic taste picture of the wines that you sample. Also, keep in mind that scented lip balm can completely throw the taste of the wine off. 

Wear Tasteful Clothing

Although wine tasting tours don't require participants to dress in a formal fashion, some first-time participants dress in overly casual clothing -- probably because wine country is a rural environment. However, dressing in ragged cutoffs and T-shirts is actually considered an insult to the winery. Hemmed shorts are fine when worn with knit or button-down shirts. Sundresses with a cardigan for layering are a good choice as well. Avoid anything too revealing -- a good rule of thumb is that if you'd wear it to your favorite upscale Sunday morning brunch place, it can be worn on a wine country tour. 

Be Considerate of Others

One of the most important things to remember about tasting rooms is that they are not bars, so don't speak in loud tones or tell off-color jokes. Monopolizing the time of those doing the pouring may mean that others wanting to sample wine are left short, so move along if there others waiting behind you. it is also important to keep in mind that wine tasting is just that -- tasting -- and you'll be given a glass containing just a mouthful of wine. Many wineries, however, sell wines by the glass for those who find a wine they particularly like, so don't be afraid to ask if this is the case.

If you are interested in a particular variety of wine, such as Caymus wine, look for tours that offer that specific type.
