A Chinese Restaurant Remains A Good Choice For Endurance Athletes On A High-Carb/Low-Fat Diet

Posted on: 17 August 2018

Scores of modern diets emphasize the low-carb eating strategy. Inactive people may find keeping daily carb grams low helpful. Active people, especially those who enjoy running, weightlifting, martial arts, and other sportive endeavors, won't benefit from cutting carbs down too low. Carbohydrates provide the necessary energy for endurance and performance. Finding a decent source of carbohydrates doesn't always come easy when on the go. Or is it? Turn to the menu of a Chinese food restaurant like the one found at http://www.lilacblossomrestaurant.com. Many excellent choices on Chinese food menus should benefit a sportive person.

Go With the Healthy and Fuel-Generating Choices

A core metabolic/nutritional truth drives the decision for active people to eat more carbs than fat. Carbs provide a quicker, more efficient fuel source than fat. A quality Chinese restaurant offers ample healthy selections for athletes. Eating anything on the menu, however, won't help athletic goals. Sticking with the healthy choices could provide the necessary good carbohydrates along with lean proteins. A "nutrition game plan" may be required to eat appropriately. Here are some carb-loading insights when dining at a Chinese eatery:

  • Choose Brown Rice: What would lunch or dinner be without a side dish of white rice? Switching out the white rice might be more athlete-appropriate. A restaurant may give diners the choice of white rice or brown rice. Athletes will find the latter natural version to be the better choice. Nutrient-packed brown rice reflects a slow-burning carbohydrate that won't spike blood sugar. Added nutrients and the slow absorption of carbohydrates better support endurance and performance.
  • Opt for Vegetable-Heavy Meals: Selections featuring mixed vegetables or entrees mixed with broccoli won't deliver as many carbs like brown rice, but they do provide vitamins and nutrients. Vegetables do fill you up, which helps with weight maintenance. Endurance athletes generally want to avoid heavy meals. Loading up on vegetables helps this cause. Veggies also deliver antioxidants possibly capable of cutting down on training inflammation. Substituting vegetables for noodles with a meal makes sense when you look at all the nutritional upsides.
  • Pick Lean Proteins: Everything you do impacts your endurance, which includes the process of digestion. Egg foo young with pork might be protein-packed, but the fat grams may not support an endurance athlete's goals. No worries. Many other menu choices do. Go with chicken or steamed fish. Both come with minimal amounts of fat.

Chinese restaurants aren't establishments that come to mind when discussing high-carb/low-fat endurance athlete meals. Yet, they do present many meal options for someone on just such a diet.
