Why Take Advantage of an Online Butcher Shop?

Posted on: 17 March 2020

Meat is one of the most primally satisfying foods available. It's full of protein and fat, which can nourish your brain. Many people choose to make meat part of their daily diet in a number of dishes. High-quality meat tastes better, and you can find the highest quality meat from a butcher shop. Even if you don't have the time or inclination to visit a butcher shop in person, you can still purchase excellent meat from an online butcher shop.

Here are four reasons you should take advantage of an online butcher shop:

1. Eat natural, artisanal meat. 

Many people prefer to eat meat produced without the use of growth hormones or antibiotics because they believe meat produced organically is healthier. The meat procured by online butchers is often bred from artisanal animal stock with superior flavor. These animals are raised without the hormones, antibiotics, and other chemicals used in traditional factory farming methods. Good animal husbandry leads to tastier meat.

2. Purchase specialty products.

Online butchers sell raw cuts of meat that are ready to be prepared. However, they also sell meat that is ready to eat. Many online butchers stock specialty products such as beef jerky, prosciutto, and sliced deli meat. These products are cooked, dried, cured, or smoked to perfection. They make excellent snacks or sandwiches.

3. Avoid the grocery store.

There's nothing more convenient than having food delivered. When you purchase meat from an online butcher, you can have high-quality meat delivered to your house. You can avoid the crowds at the grocery store and skip the long lines completely. When the meat is shipped to you, it's sent overnight in a well-insulated package. Dry ice will be used to keep your meat cold until you can retrieve it. This method of shipping ensures your meat will be unblemished and safe to eat when it arrives in your kitchen.

4. Try different types of meat.

Many local grocery stores only stock the most basic types of meat. Chicken, pork, and beef are what you're likely to find in the meat section of any given store. These meats are ubiquitous, but they aren't necessarily the most flavorful. Venison, goat, and lamb all have wonderful, rich flavors that can be used in curry, stew, or roasts. If you're getting tired of cooking the same meals over and over, peruse the selection of an online butcher shop and try something new.
